background image
English, 1697 William III Shilling, first bust, choice
original ANACS MS-61 $277.; Queen Anne Half
Crown ANACS AU-58 pleasing color and
surfaces $447.; 1723 George I South Seas
Company Silver Shilling ANACS EF-45 $177.;
George III 1784 4 Pence ANACS AU-58 $67.;
1787 6 Pence ANACS AU-58 $77.; (1797) oval
countermark of George III punched on 1787 Mo
bust 8 Reales of Charles III of Spain, to circulate
as 4 Shilling and 9 Pence. Ch. orig. VF++. $327.
France, 1648 gold Louis d'or, of Louis XIV, the Sun
King, Ch. AU-55 $1377.; silver Ecu (dollar) of
Louis XV, 1738 L. VG+ $67.; 1741 French
Colonies billon Sov. Marque VF................. $107.
(1776) Bashlow restrike of the Continental dollar in
tin. Struck 1961-2. Ch. BU.........................
Spain and Spanish Colonies, Silver Reales were
the mainstay of American Commerce from
1600's until 1857 when the U.S. Mint was finally
producing enough small silver that circulated.
1743, Mo, Pillar 1/2 Real, Ch. VF $77.;1799 Mo
1 Real EF stained $37.; 1803 one Real F+ $27.;
1708 2 Reales, Barcelona, monogram, VF $47.;
1721 Segovia 2 Reales, VF $47.; 1722 Seville, 2
Reales, coat of arms, shield, EF $67.; 1812 Lima
2 Reales VG $19.; 1743 Mo Pillar 4 Reales nice
VF $377.; 1774 Potosi bust 4 Reales Ch. VF
$117.; 1808 Potosi bust 4 Reales Ch. VF $87.;
Gold 2 Escudo cobs, c. 1650, Colombia, crude
1787 Fugio, 12-U, VF-30, nice brown color with a
few planchet flakes, $577.; another B-H.1 PCGS
VF-30 pleasing...........................................$1277.
1787 Fugio Cent "New Haven" restrike c. 1860,
in silver. Ch. Unc. with pretty blue and gray
1795 Pl. Edge, no pole C-6a nice light brown
color ANACS VF-20................................... $925.
1828 ANACS EF-45......................................
1854 ANACS MS-63 brn. $217.; NGC MS-62
BN.............................................................. $197.
1855 ANACS MS-64 brn............................... $347.
1794 S-65 ANACS VF-20.............................. $847.
1818 NGC MS-65 RB, Randall hoard........... $747.
1837 Feuchtwanger Cent, ANACS AU-55,
problem-free planchet................................ $277.
1851 N-37 ANACS MS-61 brn., PQ.............. $197.
1854 J-161, original, Pattern reduced Large Cent
with no obv. stars. ANACS AU-55..............$1077.
1855 Slanted 55, PCGS MS-65 RB.............. $777.
1888 NGC MS-64 BN (lots of red) S-8, 8 in
denticles..................................................... $297.
1890 ANACS MS-64 RB............................... $117.
1893 NGC Prf.-65 RB very PQ..................... $597.
1903 PCGS MS-64 RB PQ...........................
1907 Both PCGS MS-65 RB $127.; MS-64
1908 PCGS MS-64 RB.................................
1930-D ANACS MS-64 BN............................
1938-PBoth PCGS MS-66 RD $31.; MS-66
1938-D PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1940-PPCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1940-D PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1940-S PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1941-PPCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1941-D PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1942-D PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1942-S PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1944-D/S, Die 1, ANACS VF-35................... $127.
1864 Small Motto, NGC MS-65 BN..............$1377.
1864 Lg. Motto, ANACS AU-55 $67.; ANACS
KF-L13, repunched date MS-63 BN........... $177.
1865 Plain 5 ANACS MS-61 brn...................
1868 NGC Prf.-66 red...................................$2475.
1869 NGC Prf.-65 RB (mostly red)............... $827.
German silver, Feuchtwanger 1837 ANACS
1802 PCGS XF-45, The Valentine plate coin. A
classic rarity with a great history. Very
pleasing light to medium gray with blue and
violet undertones......................... $107,000.
1849/1849 (Only graded on holder) NGC MS-63
steel blue gray toning................................. $427.
1883 No Cents PCGS MS-64.......................
1930-PPCGS MS-65.................................... $117.
1935-S NGC MS-65...................................... $127.
1936-PPCGS MS-66.................................... $127.
1936-D PCGS MS-65....................................
1937-PPCGS MS-66....................................
1938-D PCGS MS-66....................................
1938-D/S NGC MS-65.................................. $167.
1939-PDoubled die reverse NGC MS-65..... $447.
1803 JR-3 VG/G, uneven wear due to nicks which
slightly bent the coin.................................. $247.
1804 The 14 Star reverse die, PCGS
XF-45 choice and pleasing original
light gray...........................................$17,000.
1820 JR-11 Lg. 0 in date, small C in denomination,
NGC AU-50 pleasing orig. toning............... $377.
1837 No Stars ANACS EF-40....................... $347.
1876-P Type 1 rev. doubled die. ANACS MS-62
pleasing...................................................... $177.
1882-PNGC MS-66 white PQ......................$1325.
1890-PNGC MS-64 nice original toning....... $337.
1890-S NGC MS-63 nice original toning....... $497.
1911-D ANACS MS-63 white, PQ................. $147.
1913-S ANACS VG-10..................................
1914-PANACS MS-61 white PQ..................
1916-S Barber, ANACS MS-60 white PQ.....
1921-PANACS EF details, cleaned
(gentle polish) net VF-20............................ $277.
1937-PPCGS MS-66 FB $49.; ANACS
MS-64 FSB.................................................
1940 PCGS Prf.-65 undipped white.............. $140.
1942 PCGS Prf.-66 mostly white $137.;
ANACS MS-64 white PQ...........................
1944-S PCGS MS-65 FB white $39.; NGC MS-67
FB few splashes of pretty colors $197.; ANACS
MS-64 white PQ, T in Trust almost invisible due
to die polish................................................
1951 PCGS Prf.-66 white..............................
1875-PANACS AU-53................................... $257.
1875-S NGC MS-63 mostly white................. $847.
1876-PPCGS MS-64 mostly white PQ.........$1977.
1805 B-1 ANACS VF-20, on planchet damaged
somehow before 2nd strike........................ $827.
1818 B-4 ANACS EF-45 PQ, original, attractive
dark toning................................................. $770.
1821 B-3 ANACS VF-35 nice light gray........ $377.
1823/2 An American Classic PCGS XF-40
with printed "Baldenhofer" pedigree. Nice
surfaces. The pedigree of this coin reads like
a Who's Who of Numismatics. Parmelee,
H.O. Granberg, W.H. Woodin, Col. E.H.R.
Green, Charles M. Williams, Adolph Menjou,
Baldenhofer. This coin was published in the
1912 American Numismatic Society
Exhibition. ONLY about 25 of this classic
date rarity are known in all grades. We'll
throw in a free 1723/2 Spanish "two bits" for
this price...........................................$47,700.
1840-O With Drapery, NGC MS-64 mostly
1853-PArrows & Rays ANACS VF-30..........
1869 ANACS Prf.-61 near white................... $357.
1873-PArrows 1 lightly recut on top of base. Very
pleasing mostly white, frosty, mark free ANACS
MS-61......................................................... $777.
1873-PArrows, ANACS AU details, cleaned
(gently), net EF-40, white........................... $197.
1877-PNGC MS-62, nice orig. deep P-L. Rare rev.
die state...................................................... $397.
1877-PMPD-1, AU details, cleaned (faintly), net
1892-PBoth ANACS, MS-64 P-L, medium
toning, fully Deep Mirror Proof-Like $467.;
AU-55 toned...............................................
1892-O ANACS AU-50.................................. $127.
1901-PNGC MS-65, deep blue-violet tone..$1400.
1908-O Raw EF-40.......................................
1914-S Raw Fine-12, cleaned white.............
1916-D Raw AU-50.......................................
1930-PNGC MS-65 FH mostly white........... $677.
1940 ANACS Prf.-66 rev. lightly toned.......... $237.
1964-D Reverse die of 1965, when these were
struck, Fivaz-Stanton 024.7, both ANACS
AU-58 $77.; AU-55.....................................
1795 O-110 NGC XF-45 very pleasing, with great
1795 O-116 ANACS VG-8............................. $637.
1795 O-119 NGC MS-60 one of the few 1795
halves I ever got excited about. Fully struck
with clear breast feathers on the eagle and
sharp, full hair on Liberty. Smooth, near
perfect surfaces overlaid with spectacular
"Wayte Raymond album" toning.......$37,500.
1803 O-103, lg. 3, raw orig. VF-20............... $317.
1817/3 ANACS AU details, cleaned (faintly) net
EF-40.......................................................... $677.
1840-PSm. Letters rev., ANACS EF-45....... $147.
1843-PANACS EF-40...................................
1845-O No Drapery ANACS AU-58 Ch. orig. very
light gray..................................................... $577.
1846-PMed. Date, ANACS EF-45................ $117.
1846-O Med. Date, ANACS AU-53............... $187.
1847-PRecut 47, WB-104 ANACS VF-35....
1848-O ANACS VF-30..................................
1853-O Arrows and Rays ANACS EF details,
cleaned (faintly) net VF-30......................... $147.
1854-PArrows ANACS MS-61 white PQ, unlisted
recut 85, extra berry on rev. branch........... $877.
1854-O ANACS AU-55 mostly white............. $177.
1855/4 ANACS EF details, cleaned net
VF-20.......................................................... $107.
1855-S ANACS Fine details, scratched
(faintly) net VG-8........................................ $420.
1856-O ANACS VF-35..................................
1873-PArrows, ANACS AU-50..................... $277.
1873-PArrows, extra barb of arrow showing
in denticles. NGC Prf.-63 PQ. Pretty blue and
violet toning................................................$1500.
1873-CC Arrows, ANACS EF details, cleaned,
net VF-20................................................... $875.
1874-CC "Railroad Tracks" rev. ANACS Fine
details, corroded, (very lightly) cleaned,
net VG-8..................................................... $417.
1882 ANACS EF-45 perfect medium gray.... $447.
1886 ANACS EF-40 light gray...................... $447.
1888 PCGS Prf.-62 white PQ....................... $497.
1892-P Triple Die rev., ANACS AU-55,
superb orig. toning..................................... $427.
1906-PRepunched date (recut 19)
ANACS MS-61 PQ..................................... $447.
1909-S ANACS `Inverted S" mm net VF-30.. $177.
1912-PANACS VF-35...................................
1914-S ANACS VF-35................................... $117.
1916-D ANACS MS-62 white........................ $277.
1935-PPCGS MS-65 white.......................... $267.
1940-S PCGS MS-65 white.......................... $317.
1941-PPCGS MS-65 PQ light toning...........
1941-S Both ANACS, MS-64 white $117.;
MS-61 white...............................................
1942-D ANACS MS-65.................................. $127.
1943-PANACS MS-63 white........................
1857 Bern Switzerland shooting Taler, NGC MS-63
mostly white. One of the 1804 Silver Dollars,
class II, in the Smithsonian, is struck over one of
these 1857 Bern shooting Talers............... $647.
1859-O ANACS MS-62 U.S. Treasury hoard.
Mostly very light gray................................. $947.
1861 PCGS MS-64, light toning over Proof-Like
surfaces.................................................... $8900.
1864 ANACS Prf.-63 deep gray toning with blue
and violet iridescence............................... $2277.
1871-PANACS AU-55, MPD, top of 8 in denticles.
Unpublished?............................................. $977.
1874-PRaw EF+, lightly cleaned.................. $157.
1877/7-S/S ANACS AU-50 RPD & RPM, boldly
recut 7, Unpublished?................................ $675.
1877-CC ANACS EF-40................................ $477.
1878 8F VAM-21 ANACS, MS-63 mostly white
PQ.............................................................. $157.
1878-P7/8F Weak PCGS MS-64 pretty delicate
partial toning, VAM-33 $187.; all ANACS, VAM-
33 MS-62 white $57.; NGC MS-60 white...
1878-P 7/8F Strong all ANACS: VAM-37 MS-62
w h i t e$ 8 7 . ; VA M - 3 8M S - 6 3v e r yl i g h tt o n i n g$ 1 5 7 . ;
MS-62 white PQ $97.; VAM-40 MS-62 white
$ 117.; VAM-41 A MS-64 mostly white......... $177.
1878-PRev. of '79, VAM-222 ANACS MS-60
white PQ.....................................................
1878-S PCGS MS-65 white $170.; NGC MS-65
white........................................................... $170.
1878-CC ANACS MS-62 mostly white.......... $107.
1879-P VAM-21 ANACS MS-62 toned..........
1879-O ANACS MS-62 mostly white ............
1880-P VAM-24ANACS MS-64mostlywhite
1880/9-S PCGS MS-65 white $257.; ANACS
VAM-11 MS-65 delicate rev. toning............ $147.
1880-S PCGS MS-65 white $87.; ANACS MS-66
P-L, a little pretty toning............................. $187.
1880-O ANACS AU-58 near white................
1880-CC VAM-8 ANACS MS-62 near white . $207.
1881-S All PCGS: MS-66 light tone rev. $187.;
MS-65 white $87.; MS-64 white.................
1881-CC VAM-2, recut 88, NGC MS-65 white
$537.; ANACS MS-64 near white............... $227.
1882-PPCGS Prf.-61 near white $777.;
ANACS MS-63 white..................................
1882-CC NGC MS-65 white $317.; ANACS
VAM-5 MS-62.............................................
1883-PNGC MS-65 white PQ $127.; ANACS
MS-64 near white.......................................
1883-O PCGS MS-63 near white..................
1883-CC VAM-3 ANACS MS-64 white.......... $107.
1883-S VAM-6 ANACS AU-55 white............. $117.
1884-CC GSAMS-62 white $87.; ANACS
VAM-2 MS-62 white...................................
1884-O ANACS MS-64 near white $37.;
PCGS MS-64, O/O, VAM-6........................
1885-PPCGS MS-65 white very PQ $97.;
ANACS MS-64 mostly white......................
1885-O Both PCGS: MS-65 white $87.; MS-64
1885-S ANACS MS-62 near white................ $117.
1885-CC VAM-2 ANACS MS-64 white.......... $247.
1886-O ANACS Unc. details, cleaned
(very faintly) net AU-50.............................. $157.
1886-S ANACS MS-62 light pretty toning..... $157.
1887-P B o t hP C G SM S - 6 6n e a rw h i t e$ 1 9 9 . ;M S - 6 4
white $37.; ANACS MS-63 rim toning.........
1887-O ANACS MS-62 near white................
1887-S ANACS MS-63 mostly white............. $117.
1888-PPCGS MS-64 medium toning $39.;
ANACS MS-64 mostly white......................
1889-CC ANACS EF details, cleaned (lightly)
net VF-20................................................... $457.
1889-S ANACS MS-62 white........................ $137.
1890-PANACS MS-63 near white................
1890-S ANACS MS-63 near white................
1890-CC ANACS AU-58 P-L......................... $197.
1891-CC ICG MS-65 white "Spitting Eagle"
$2377.; ANACS MS-61 near white............. $237.
1891-O ANACS MS-63 white........................ $177.
1891-S ANACS MS-63 mostly white.............
1892-PANACS MS-64 mostly white............. $477.
1892-S ANACS EF-45 orig. lt. gray............... $197.
1893-S ANACS VG-8.................................... $867.
1894-PANACS VG-8.................................... $237.
1894-O ANACS AU-58 very near white........ $277.
1895-S ANACS VAM-3, S/S, F-15................ $177.
1895-O ANACS VF-30.................................. $177.
1896-PPCGS MS-64 very near white PQ $67.;
MS-64 near white.......................................
1896-O ANACS AU-55 near white................ $177.
1897-S ANACS MS-62 mostly white.............
1898-O ANACS MS-64 very near white........
1898-S ANACS MS-63 white........................ $197.
1899-PANACS MS-63 white........................
1899-O ANACS MS-65 white........................
1900-PANACS MS-65 white $127.; PCGS MS-64
near white...................................................
1900-O Both PCGS MS-65 $97.; MS-64 near
1900-S ANACS AU-58.................................. $107.
1901-O ANACS MS-65 obv. P-Lwhite $157.;
PCGS MS-64 toned...................................
1901-S ANACS AU-58 very near white......... $187.
1903-PBoth ANACS MS-64 faint toning $57.;
MS-62 white...............................................
1904 NGC Prf.-64 delicate edge toning........$1997.
1904-O PCGS MS-64 very near white $37.;
ANACS MS-65 very near white..................
1921-D Both PCGS MS-65 white $247.; MS-64
1921-S ANACS MS-62 mostly white PQ.......
1921 NGC MS-63 pleasing medium toning.. $167.
1927-D NGC MS-64 white PQ...................... $427.
1934-PNGC MS-63 pleasing white..............
1934-D FS-012, VAM-3, Br.-5736, med. mm, obv.
boldly doubled profile of Liberty. PCGS MS-64
(unidentified, but obvious to the naked eye)
white........................................................... $617.
1935-PNGC MS-65 mostly white PQ........... $407.
Christopher Bechtler Gold Dollar, 30 grains, no
date, struck 1831-34. The first gold dollar in the
United States. NGC-58. Very pleasing original
with light orange toning..............................$4177.
1836 J-67 The Liberty Cap Pattern Gold Dollar.
PCGS Prf.-66........................................ $19,775.
1849 Open Wreath NGC MS-64 PQ $2975.;
ANACS VF-30............................................ $137.
1849 Closed Wreath NGC MS-60................. $367.
1849-C Closed Wreath, ANACS Fine details,
ex-jewelry (solder spot top obv.) net AG-3 . $187.
1850-PANACS EF details, cleaned (very faintly)
net VF-30................................................... $147.
1850-C Pittman Pedigree, NGC AU-50.........$2077.
Jonathan Kern
background image
1851-PANACS AU-50................................... $157.
1851-C ANACS AU details, damaged (many small
nicks) whizzed, net VF-30.......................... $277.
1851-O ANACS F-15..................................... $137.
1852-PANACS AU-50 PQ............................ $187.
1852-C Raw holed and nicely repaired,
cleaned....................................................... $177.
1853-PPCGS MS-63 $797.; PCGS MS-62 $397.;
NGC MS-62 $377.; ANACS AU-55............ $177.
1853-O ANACS AU details, scratched (short,
light, in obv. field) net EF-40...................... $187.
1854-P Type 1 ANACS AU details, scratched,
cleaned (looks nice) net EF-40.................. $147.
1854-D Type 1, PCGS AU-55, North Georgia
1854-S ANACS AU details, scratched,
cleaned....................................................... $277.
1854-P Type 2 raw VF net drill hole $87.;
ANACS EF details, scratched cleaned
(decent look) net VF-20............................. $237.
1855-PANACS VF details, scratched,
cleaned (nice look), net F-12..................... $237.
1855-C ANACS VG details, ex-jewelry, cleaned,
net AG-3 (looks like a F-12 with light field
scratches)................................................... $447.
1855-O ANACS EF details, scratched, cleaned,
net VF-20................................................... $277.
1856-S Type 2, ANACS EF details, ex-jewelry,
polished, net VG-8 (looks better)............... $277.
1856-PSlant 5, NGC AU-58 $207.; ANACS
EF-45.......................................................... $150.
1856-D NGC AU-53 very pleasing................$8250.
1857-PANACS AU-55 PQ............................ $207.
1858-PANACS AU-58 (faint obv. planchet
striations).................................................... $197.
1858-S NGC MS-61......................................$4775.
1860-PPCGS MS-62.................................... $847.
1860-S ANACS EF details, scratched (lightly) net
VF-20.......................................................... $247.
1861-PANACS EF details, scratched (faintly) net
VF-20.......................................................... $137.
1861-D A N A C SA Ud e t a i l s ,c l e a n e d ,d a m a g e d ,b e n t
(couple sharp hits h i d d en o no b v e r s ew h i c hm a d e
coin wavy, very tiny nicks scattered on reverse,
no cleaning that bothers me) net F-15........$6750.
1862 ANACS AU details, damaged (two tiny digs)
net EF-40................................................... $137.
1863 ANACS AU-50......................................$1575.
1864 ANACS AU details, damaged (not visible)
bent, cleaned net VF-20............................. $477.
1865 ANACS AU details, polished, bent net VF-20.
The knowledgeable and energetic numismatist
who assembled this gold dollar set assured me
that the 1865 is grossly underrated and the most
difficult coin to locate in any grade............. $577.
1866 ANACS AU details, polished, scratched, net
VF-30.......................................................... $247.
1867 PCGS MS-62.......................................$1077.
1868 PCGS AU-55........................................ $477.
1869 ANACS AU details,cleaned, netEF-40 $337.
1870 PCGS AU-58........................................ $577.
1871 ANACS AU details, damaged (faint obv.
scuffs) net EF-45........................................ $375.
1872 PCGS AU-55........................................ $467.
1873 Closed 3 (of all the Open and Closed 3's in
all denominations this is the only really Closed 3,
which looks like an 8 with an incomplete
crossbar). ANACS AU details, cleaned (faintly)
scratched (not visible) net EF-40............... $775.
1874 ANACS MS-60 (not PQ)....................... $227.
1875 NGC AU-58..........................................$5250.
1876 PCGS MS-61....................................... $677.
1877 NGC AU-58.......................................... $557.
1878 NGC MS-63 PQ................................... $997.
1879 ANACS AU details, scratched (lightly on rev.)
net EF-40................................................... $227.
1880 PCGS MS-65 (a MS-66 with two obv. black
carbon spots).............................................$1177.
1881 ANACS MS-60..................................... $337.
1882 ANACS Unc. details, scratched (faintly on
obv.) net AU-55.......................................... $237.
1885 ANACS AU details, scratched, tooled
(picked at dirt) net EF-40........................... $167.
1888 ANACS Unc. details, scratched net
EF-45.......................................................... $177.
1889 ANACS AU-55...................................... $257.
1843-O Sm. Date both ANACS VF-35 $177.;
EF-40.......................................................... $197.
1854-PANACS AU-58................................... $277.
1873-PCl. 3 PCGS AU-50............................ $207.
1902 NGC MS-62.......................................... $377.
1903 ANACS AU-55...................................... $197.
1908 ANACS Unc. details, cleaned (very gently)
net AU-50................................................... $227.
1911-PNGC MS-62 $247.; PCGS MS-61 $257.;
ANACS AU-53............................................ $177.
1913 ANACS MS-62 $277.; NGC MS-62...... $297.
1926 ANACS AU-58...................................... $207.
1927 NGC MS-63 PQ................................... $577.
1928 NGC MS-63 $507.; PCGS MS-60........ $227.
1929 NGC MS-64 $837.; ANACS MS-60...... $227.
1854-PANACS AU-50 $735.; NGC AU-58... $977.
1879 Flowing Hair Stella ANACS AU details,
ex-jewelry, net Prf.-40, J-1635 restrike, as all
are $27,000.; another, ANACS Prf.-58
$39,000.; another, NGC Prf.-65 $97,500.;
another, PCGS Prf.-66.................. $147,000.
1795 Small Eagle, ANACS VF details, tooled,
repaired, net G-4........................................$3977.
1811 Draped Bust, loop soldered to rim, wear
uneven, EF to VG details........................... $697.
1842-D Large Date, NGC XF-40 very light
bagmarks on jaw and neck........................$4977.
1879-PNGC AU-53 79/8?............................. $217.
1881-PNGC MS-61, recut 88....................... $237.
1881-S (Lg. S over sm. S?) PCGS MS-63
PQ.............................................................. $877.
1883-S PCGS XF-45..................................... $187.
1885-PPCGS AU-58..................................... $197.
1885-S PCGS MS-61 PQ.............................. $247.
1887-S NGC MS-63 very pleasing................ $725.
1888-S PCGS AU-50.................................... $375.
1891 PCGS Prf.-63 PQ Cameo (not
1891-CC ANACS MS-60............................... $675.
1896-S ANACS AU details, cleaned (very gently)
net EF-40................................................... $197.
1897-S PCGS AU-58.................................... $317.
1898-S ANACS AU-58.................................. $197.
1899-S NGC AU-53....................................... $197.
1900-PPCGS MS-62.................................... $287.
1901-PPCGS AU-58..................................... $187.
1908-PIndian ANACS AU-53........................ $207.
1908-D NGC MS-63...................................... $977.
1909-PNGC MS-62...................................... $477.
1909-D NGC MS-63 pleasing $927.; ANACS
AU-58......................................................... $227.
1910-PNGC MS-61 $317.; both ANACS AU-53
$207.; AU-50.............................................. $200.
1911-PANACS AU-50................................... $207.
1912-PBoth ANACS AU-55 $212.; AU-53.... $207.
1913-PPCGS MS-61 $317.; both ANACS AU-58
$227.; AU-50.............................................. $207.
1913-S ANACS EF-45................................... $227.
1914-PANACS MS-62.................................. $427.
1914-D Both ANACS AU-58 $257.; AU details,
scratched (faintly on rev.) net EF-45.......... $187.
1914-S ANACS AU-50.................................. $257.
1915-PANACS AU-53................................... $207.
1916-S ANACS AU details, cleaned (faintly) net
EF-45.......................................................... $237.
1847-O ANACS EF-40.................................. $277.
1854-S NGC VF-20....................................... $297.
1883-CC NGC XF-40.................................... $627.
1886-PNGC MS-62 $417.; ANACS AU-58... $257.
1888-S NGC MS-62 PQ................................ $777.
1892-PNGC MS-60...................................... $227.
1893-PNGC MS-61...................................... $257.
1894-PPCGS MS-62 very bright Semi-P-L.. $377.
1895-PNGC MS-63...................................... $577.
1898-PNGC MS-63...................................... $627.
1901-PNGC MS-63...................................... $517.
1901-S NGC MS-63 bright............................ $527.
1905-PNGC MS-63...................................... $577.
1906-O PCGS AU-58 $257.; ANACS MS-61 $237.
1907-PLiberty both NGC MS-63 $497.;
MS-61 PQ.................................................. $297.
1907-S PCGS VF-30..................................... $227.
1907 "Wire Edge Ten Indian" with periods. PCGS
MS-64 very PQ...................................... $27,700.
1910-PBoth NGC MS-63 $797.; MS-62....... $467.
1910-D All NGC MS-63 PQ $827.; NGC MS-62
$467.; ANACS EF-45................................. $287.
1911-PANACS AU-53................................... $297.
1912-PNGC MS-64 $1675.; ANACS AU-58. $337.
1915-PNGC MS-63 PQ................................$1077.
1932-P"Gold from the Great Depression" all NGC:
MS-65 $2377.; MS-63 $547.; MS-62......... $397.
1871-S Raw VF-30........................................ $457.
1873-PRaw Open 3 VF-30........................... $387.
1874-S Raw EF-40+...................................... $467.
1876-S Raw EF-40+...................................... $417.
1877-S Both NGC MS-61 $537.; AU-50....... $437.
1878-S Raw EF-40+...................................... $387.
1879-S Raw EF-40+...................................... $387.
1882-S Raw AU-55....................................... $427.
1883-S NGC XF-45....................................... $387.
1885-S NGC AU-58....................................... $447.
1890-S ANACS AU-55.................................. $397.
1891-S NGC MS-62 $527.; ANACS EF-45... $387.
1892-S ANACS AU-58.................................. $397.
1893-S Both NGC MS-63 $2177.; MS-61..... $437.
1894-PAll NGC MS-63 $1075.; MS-62 $477.;
MS-61 $417.; PCGS MS-62....................... $477.
1894-S NGC MS-62...................................... $447.
1895-S NGC MS-61...................................... $437.
1896-PNGC MS-62...................................... $477.
1896-S NGC MS-62...................................... $447.
1897-PAll NGC MS-63 $877.; MS-62 $457.;
MS-61......................................................... $427.
1897-S NGC MS-62...................................... $497.
1898-S All NGC MS-63 (P-L) $977.; MS-63 $917.;
MS-62 $487.; MS-61.................................. $417.
1899-PAll NGC MS-64 $1575.; MS-63 $747.;
MS-62......................................................... $467.
1899-S All NGC MS-63 $1077.; MS-63 PQ $1377.;
MS-62......................................................... $487.
1900-PAll NGC MS-64 $1577.; MS-62 $437.;
MS-61......................................................... $407.
1900-S All NGC MS-62 $537.; MS-61 $467.;
MS-60......................................................... $417.
1901-S NGC MS-62...................................... $497.
1903-P NGC MS-64...................................... $877.
1903-S NGC MS-63......................................$1037.
1904-PAll NGC: MS-65 PQ $2077.; MS-65
$1727.; MS-64 $797.; MS-63..................... $527.
1904-P Both PCGS: MS-63 $547.; MS-62
$447.; all ANACS MS-63 $497.; MS-62 $407.;
AU-58......................................................... $377.
1904-S NGC MS-64 $847.; PCGS MS-63.... $567.
1907-P Liberty Head, NGC MS-63 $657.; ANACS
MS-62......................................................... $407.
1907 Low Relief St. Gaudens both PCGS MS-64
$1077.; MS-63 PQ $877.; NGC MS-63 $677.;
ANACS AU-58............................................ $467.
1908-P No Motto PCGS MS-64.................... $577.
1908-PNo Motto all NGC MS-65 $797.; MS-64
$547.; MS-63 $467.; MS-62 ...................... $447.
1908-P With Motto ANACS Unc. details, cleaned
(very faintly) net AU-55.............................. $437.
1909-PNGC MS-63......................................$2277.
1909-S NGC MS-62...................................... $487.
1910-S NGC MS-63...................................... $617.
1912-PANACS AU-58................................... $497.
1913-D PCGS MS-63 $677.; NGC MS-62.... $477.
1914-D NGC AU-55...................................... $417.
1914-S NGC MS-63 $467.; both PCGS MS-63
$477.; MS-60 PQ (old holder).................... $437.
1915-P NGC MS-62...................................... $677.
1915-S All NGC MS-64 $577.; MS-63 $557.;
MS-62 $437.; PCGS MS-62....................... $447.
1916-S NGC MS-63...................................... $517.
1920-PPCGS MS-62.................................... $547.
1922-P PCGS MS-62 $447.; NGC MS-62 $437.;
ANACS MS-62........................................... $437.
1923-PAll NGC MS-64 $597.; MS-63 $487.;
MS-62 $447.; AU-58 $407.; PCGS MS-63 $487.
1923-D NGC MS-65...................................... $927.
1924-PAll NGC MS-66 $1477.; MS-66 nicer
$1575.; MS-66 very PQ $1877.; MS-65 PQ
$797.; MS-64 PQ $557.; MS-63 $439.;
MS-62......................................................... $419.
1924-PAll PCGS MS-66 $1650.; MS-65 $797.;
MS-62 $437.; ANACS MS-63..................... $439.
1925-PAll NGC MS-65 PQ $847.; MS-64 $577.;
MS-63 $467.; MS-62 $437.; MS-61........... $417.
1925-P PCGS MS-64.................................... $567.
1926-PAll NGC MS-65 $797.; MS-63.......... $439.
1927-PAll NGC MS-65 PQ $877.; MS-64 $537.;
MS-63 $439.; MS-62.................................. $419.
1927-P Both PCGS MS-66 $1677.; MS-64... $517.
1928-PAll NGC MS-64 $587.; MS-63 $457.;
MS-62 $427.; PCGS MS-61 PQ................ $427.
1988 Proof 4 coin Gold Eagle set in U.S.
Mint box...................................................... $927.
1990 Proof 4 coin Gold Eagle set in U.S.
Mint box...................................................... $927.
1997 Proof 4 coin Platinum Eagle set in fuzzy
U.S. Mint box, with certificate, but no outside
Antietam PCGS MS-65................................. $557.
Arkansas, 1938-PPCGS MS-65 $497.; all near
white & ANACS 1938-S MS-62 $117.; 1939-P
MS-62 $207.; 1939-D MS-62..................... $207.
Boones, all NGC: 1935/34-P MS-66 $297.;
'35/34-S MS-66 $1177.; '35-S MS-66 $277.;
'36-PMS-66 mostly white $197.; '37-PMS-66
white $267.; '37-D MS-65 $347.; '37-S MS-64
$237.; '38-P MS-65 $377.; '38-D MS-66 $797.;
'38-S MS-64 .............................................. $327.
Cleveland 1936 Both NGC MS-66 white $577.;
MS-65 white............................................... $187.
1893 Columbian ANACS MS-63...................
Elgin NGC MS-65 white $197.; PCGS MS-65 near
white........................................................... $197.
Norfolk PCGS MS-65 white $397.; PCGS old
holder MS-66 near white............................ $447.
Oregons, all ANACS & near white, 1936-S MS-62
$127.; 1938-PMS-62 near white $167.; 1939-P
MS-62 $327.; '39-D MS-62........................ $327.
Oregons, all NGC 1938-P MS-66 white $197.;
MS-65 near white $167.; 1938-D MS-67 white
$717.; MS-66 light toning $207.; 1938-S MS-64
near white................................................... $157.
Oregon 1926-PPCGS MS-65 near white..... $187.
Roanoke, both NGC MS-66 near white $237.;
MS-65 white............................................... $207.
Texas ANACS, 1934 MS-64..........................
Texas, all NGC, 1935-D MS-67 $417.; '35-S MS-64
$80.; '36-D MS-65 $87.; '36-S MS-66 $197.;
'37-S MS-65 ............................................... $127.
Carver-Washington, both NGC 1951-S MS-65 near
white $177.; 1952-S MS-65 near white...... $177.
Wisconsin PCGS MS-66 white $277.; MS-66 near
white $267.; MS-65 near white.................. $197.
York, NGC MS-66 white $217.; PCGS MS-65 near
white........................................................... $167.
1851 Fifty Dollars, 887 (fine gold) Augustus
Humbert Reeded Edge "Slug," PCGS VF-35 PQ,
no heavy marks or rim bumps which plaque
these huge octagonal fifties..................... $8975.
1853 Gold Octagonal Dollar, BG-530, PCGS
AU-58......................................................... $477.
1854 Gold Octagonal Dollar, BG-504, the "Micro
Slug" Eagle reverse. PCGS MS-63, PQ and
Proof-Like................................................ $8775.
1853 Gold Round Half Dollar, BG-435, the "Arms
of California" obverse with an eagle reverse
similarto a slug. PCGSMS-62,veryPQ...$6177.
1870 Gold Round Dollar, BG-1205, AU-55 details,
holed, expertly repaired, cleaned............... $577.
(1852-54) Round Quarter Dollar by Nouizellet,
BG-221, PCGS MS-62, orig. toning $277.;
another, but BG-222, PCGS AU-58........... $167.
Kingdom of Hawaii, but struck at the
San Francisco Mint. 1883, Silver Dollar,
ANACS AU-50, very pleasing light gray
surfaces $1077.; 1883 Dimes, both ANACS
AU-50 $227.; EF-45................................... $167.
Southern Civil War Currency: The New Orleans,
Jackson & Great Northern Railroad Co. Nov. 16,
1861. These are printed on the backs of
unissued sheets of currency from Port Gibson,
Mississippi. Fine+ "Deuce" $27.; "Tray" $47.;
Bashlow restrikes of the Confederate Cent,
struck 1961-2 by transfer dies from the
Lovett original. Red MS-65 $57.; red MS-63
$37.; mostly red MS-60..............................
Switzerland 1842 Graubunden silver 4 Franken
(dollar size) shooting Taler. NGC MS-63 $1277.;
mostly white, fully Proof-Like. 1859 Zurich
5 Franc shooting Taler ANACS MS-64 mostly
white........................................................... $577.
441 S. Ashland Ave., Lexington, Kentucky 40502
To order, call
between 9 AM & 6 PM EST
Professional Numismatist · Bachelor of Arts in Numismatics
24-hour FAX only: 606-266-7900
E-mail address:
1. All coins guaranteed as described. ANAand common
sense grading. Your satisfaction guaranteed!
2. Fourteen day return privilege or approval service can
be arranged with proper references.
3. Personal checks of unknown customers must clear.
References may be required. VISA, MasterCard and
American Express accepted.
4. Kentucky residents add 6% sales tax.
5. All coins sent insured or registered! Orders less than
$200 please add $4.00 for postage and handling.
6. Most coins are one-of-a-kind. Second choices
7. Office walk-in sales by appointment only.