background image
1576 to 1685 Dutch Lion Talers, circulated in New
Amsterdam (old name for New York City) and
were known colloquially as "Dog Dollars" due to
the crudeness of the design. Fine, crudely
struck, encrustation, $67. VF..................... $147.
1675 Denmark (colonized the Virgin Islands) large
silver 8 Marks, VF, light defects................. $177.
1688 James II, huge gold 5 Guinea, NGC
MS-64!................................................... $19,700.
1697 William III Shilling, first bust, choice original
ANACS MS-61........................................... $217.
Queen Anne Half Crown ANACS AU-58 pleasing
color and surfaces...................................... $347.
1746 George II Silver Proof Set of Crown (64),
Half Crown (63), Shilling (63), and Six Pence
(63). All PCGS Certified and Graded. One of the
world's first unequivocal Proof coinages.
Perfectly struck twice or more, on large
planchets, with polished dies, to yield deep
mirror surfaces, all with deep blue and gray
original toning.............................................$8700.
1748 George II, huge gold 5 Guinea, NGC
MS-64!................................................... $14,700.
George III 1784 4 Pence ANACS AU-58 $67.;
1787 6 Pence ANACS AU-58.....................
France, 1741 French Colonies Billon Sou Marque
VF............................................................... $107.
Mexico 1803 One Real F+ $27.; 1743 Pillar 4
Reales nice VF $277.; Spain 1724 Seville, 2
Reales EF..................................................
BIG silver bar from the shipwreck Atocha, perhaps
the most famous and most publicized of all the
sunken Spanish treasure. Cast in Bolivia, dated
1622, the year of the sinking, this monster
weighs over 90 pounds, with the Salvor's
certificate............................................... $27,000.
Spanish Colombia gold Cob 2 Escudos, c. 1730
crude VF..................................................... $917.
1751 Gold 8 Escudos, bust, Santiago Mint, Gem
Unc., and mostly covered with shell and
limestone concretions from the mystery "Rio
Plata" shipwreck. Rare with the debris still
attached because of the overwhelming desire to
uncover the blazing gold luster..................$4700.
1800 Colombia 8 Escudos, ANACS VF-30 $627.;
1803 ANACS AU-58...................................$1477.
1788 Colombia 1 Escudo, raw EF,
Gently cleaned........................................... $217.
1787 Fugio, B-H.1 PCGS VF-30 Pleasing $1277.;
15-H.1 raw Fine, faint defects, nice two tone
look $377.; K-7T, raw G, planchet defect,
1788 Massachusetts Cent, with period, Ryder 3A,
PCGS XF-40.............................................. $775.
(1792-94) Kentucky Cent, Plain Edge,
PCGS AU-55.............................................. $457.
(1789) Mott Token, thin planchet, Plain Edge,
PCGS VF-30.............................................. $297.
1855 ANACS MS-64 BRN............................. $347.
1793 Chain Cent. ANACS poor, obv. blank, rev.:
chain and one cent barely visible............... $477.
1794 S-65 ANACS VF-20.............................. $777.
1794 Cent, S-common, ANACS VF details,
corroded-tooled, net F-12 (looks better than it
sounds)....................................................... $440.
1814 S-294, Crosslet 4, raw Fine-15, dark but
reasonably smooth..................................... $177.
1821 N-2 ANACS F-15 medium brown smooth
surfaces...................................................... $217.
1854 J-161, original, Pattern reduced Large Cent
with no obv. stars. ANACS AU-55 $977.; another
raw Proof-58, old dipping, rev. scratches... $617.
1862 ANACS AU-58 pleasing........................
1864 L, FS-006.7, S-1, boldly repunched 18,
ANACS VG-10...........................................
1864 L, ANACS VF details, cleaned (old light
polish) net F-12, broadstruck.....................
1869 PCGSMS-63 BN,1869/9,Snow-6,PQ $527.
1881 ANACS MS-65 BN............................... $127.
1890 ANACS MS-64 RB...............................
1903 PCGS MS-64 RB PQ...........................
1905 ANACS MS-65 RB...............................
1907 PCGS MS-65 RB................................. $107.
1914-D ANACS VF-20.................................. $227.
1938-PBoth PCGS MS-66 RD $22.; MS-66
1938-D PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1940-S PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1941-PPCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1941-D PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1942-D PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1942-S PCGS MS-66 RB..............................
1944-D/S, Die 1, ANACS VF-35................... $117.
1981-S Ty. 2, PCGS Prf.-67 DCAM.............. $177.
1864 Small Motto, NGC MS-65 BN..............$1277.
1864 Lg. Motto, ANACS KF-L13, repunched date
MS-63 BN................................................... $177.
1865 Plain 5 ANACS MS-61 brn...................
1869 NGC Prf.-65 RB (mostly red)............... $827.
1852 NGC MS-65 frosty undipped................ $597.
1873 NGC Prf.-64 Cameo............................. $997.
1880 NGC Prf.-65 $447.; ANACS Prf.-65..... $397.
1888 ANACS Prf.-65..................................... $397.
1889 ANACS Prf.-65..................................... $417.
1802 PCGS XF-45. The Valentine plate coin.
A classic rarity with a great history. Very
pleasing light to medium gray with blue and
violet undertones...........................$107,000.
1803 Lg. 8, V-1 EF, holed & repaired OK, but not
expertly....................................................... $977.
1866 Rays ANACS AU-58 nice strike for the
issue........................................................... $187.
1913-P Ty. 1, ANACS MS-65........................
1914/3-PFS-014.87 NGC MS-63 very
pleasing with nice original violet and blue
light toning......................................
1935-S NGC MS-65...................................... $127.
1936-PPCGS MS-66.................................... $127.
1936-D PCGS MS-65....................................
1937-D Three Legged Buffalo, ANACS AU details,
cleaned (very, very faintly) net EF-45........ $447.
1939-PDDR NGC MS-65............................. $317.
1981-S Ty. 2, PCGS Prf.-68 DCAM..............
1837 No Stars ANACS EF-40....................... $347.
1882-PNGCMS-66verypleasingwhitePQ .$1147.
1890-PNGC MS-64 nice original toning....... $247.
1890-S NGC MS-63 nice original toning....... $397.
1913-S ANACS VG-10..................................
1937-P PCGS MS-66 FB $49.; ANACS MS-64
1944-S NGC MS-67 FB few splashes of pretty
colors $197.; ANACS MS-64 white PQ, T in Trust
almost invisible due to die polish...............
1951 PCGS Prf.-66 white..............................
1981-S Ty. 1 PCGS Prf.-69 DCAM...............
1875-S NGC AU-55 white............................. $347.
1805 B-1 ANACS VF-20................................ $747.
1806 B-3, ANACS G-6, very pleasing $187.; raw
AG, nicks....................................................
1877-P NGC MS-62, nice orig. deep P-L. Rare rev.
die state...................................................... $397.
1881 ANACS MS-63, PQ frosty white........... $777.
1890-PAU-58, P-L, mostly light toning......... $297.
1892-P Both ANACS, MS-64 P-L, medium toning,
fully DMP-L................................................. $467.
1892-O ANACS AU-50.................................. $127.
1928-S NGC MS-65 PQ, mostly white.......... $447.
1930-PNGC MS-65 FH................................ $597.
1940 ANACS Prf.-66 rev. lightly toned.......... $207.
1964-D Rev. die of 1965, when these were struck,
Fivaz-Stanton 024.7, both ANACS MS-62 $247.;
1981-S Ty. 2 PCGS Prf.-68 DCAM...............
1795 O-119 PCGS XF-45, light toning, few
adjustment marks as struck.......................$4975.
1807 O-102 Heraldic Eagle NGC AU-55, nice
original medium gray toning with tinges of color,
full breast feathers on eagle, usual shallow obv.
die as struck...............................................$1775.
1814 O-107APCGS MS-62 very PQ, nice original
undipped surfaces......................................$1775.
1825 O-112 PCGS AU-55 great color........... $297.
1840-PSm. Letters rev., ANACS EF-45....... $127.
1848-O ANACS VF-30..................................
1854-PArrows ANACS MS-61 white PQ, unlisted
Recut 85, extra berry on rev. branch......... $677.
1854-O ANACS AU-55 mostly white $137.; NGC
AU-58 very PQ with nice toning, obv. die
breaks......................................................... $397.
1855-S ANACS Unc. details, scratched (very
faintly) net VG-8......................................... $377.
1873-PArrows, extra barb of arrow showing in
denticles. NGC Prf.-63 PQ. Pretty blue and violet
toning $1375.; ANACS AU-50.................... $247.
1873-CC Arrows, ANACS EF details, cleaned,
(lightly), net VF-20...................................... $675.
1877-S ANACS MS-61 P-L, white................. $377.
1909-S ANACS "Inverted S" MM net VF-30 .
1912-PANACS VF-35, white........................
1914-S ANACS VF-35................................... $117.
1917-D Rev. MM raw mostly white AU-50.... $337.
1923-S White PCGS MS-63 mark free 65 or 66
with typical flat strike..................................$2277.
1935-PPCGS MS-65 white.......................... $237.
1937 White PCGS Prf.-66............................. $975.
1939-PAll PCGS MS-65 white PQ $127.;
undipped near white................................... $107.
1940-PPCGS MS-65 undipped near white.. $107.
1941-S ANACS, MS-64 white....................... $117.
1942-PPCGS MS-65 white..........................
1942-D ANACS MS-65 near white................ $117.
1943-PANACS MS-63 white $31.; both PCGS
MS-65, white $77.; white PQ.....................
1946-D Both PCGS MS-65, undipped near white
$67.; undipped PQ.....................................
1981-S Ty. 2, PCGS Prf.-67 DCAM..............
1796 Sm. Date, Lg. Let., B-4, raw nice orig.
1800 B-1 R5, ANACS VF-20......................... $977.
1839 Gobrecht, regular issue, raw VF-35, gently
cleaned and pleasing.................................$8777.
1842 Base of 2? in rock. PCGS MS-62, very PQ,
obv. fully P-L, original medium gray toning$2977.
1849 Original AU-55 undipped faint scratches obv.
& rev. .......................................................... $337.
1860-O "U.S. Treasury Hoard" pleasing white
ANACS MS-62 $1175.; another raw MS-61
Semi-P-Lsurfaces...................................... $847.
1870-PANACS VF-20 dark fields, nice
highlights.................................................... $237.
1871 Raw orig. VF-35, engraved in obv. field
"Basis to Ruby's fortune"............................ $187.
1878 8F VAM-21 ANACS, MS-63 mostly white PQ
$137.; PCGS MS-64 near white, and very PQ
$377.; VAM-17 not on holder. NGC MS-63
mostly white............................................... $117.
1878-P7/8F weak PCGS MS-64 pretty delicate
partial toning, VAM-33 $167.; NGC MS-60
1878-P7/8F strong all ANACS: VAM-37 MS-62
white $87.; VAM-38 MS-63 very light toning
$117.; PQ $147.; MS-62 white PQ $97.; VAM-40
MS-62 white $107.; VAM-41AMS-64 nice light
toning.......................................................... $177.
1878-P7F ANACSMS-63PQwht. VAM-114
1878-S NGC MS-65 white............................. $170.
1879-S VAM-3 ANACS MS-63 white.............
1880/9-S PCGS MS-65 white $227.; ANACS
VAM-11 MS-65 delicate rev. toning............ $147.
1880-S PCGS MS-65 white $87. All NGC MS-66
white $187.; MS-65 white $80.; MS-64 white
1880-CC 8/7 VAM-5 NGC MS-64 white........ $275.
1881-S/S ANACS VAM-10, R4, MS-65 white
$127.; PQ................................................... $177.
1881-S PCGS MS-65 white PQ....................
1881-CC VAM-2, Recut 88, NGC MS-65
white........................................................... $497.
1882-CC NGC MS-65 white.......................... $317.
1883-PNGC MS-65 white.............................
1883-S ANACS VAM-6 AU-55 white............. $107.
1883-CC GSAinside plastic holder, no box,
1884-S ANACS EF-45...................................
1885-PPCGS MS-65 white..........................
1888-O ANACS MS-64 medium toning.........
1888-S PCGS MS-63 white.......................... $197.
1889-PANACS Prf.-63 white........................$1277.
1889-S ANACS MS-62 white........................ $137.
1890-S ANACS MS-63 near white................
1891-CC ICG MS-65 white "Spitting Eagle"..$1877.
1892-PANACS MS-64 mostly white............. $477.
1894-O NGC MS-61 PQ light iridescent
gray toning................................................. $877.
1895-O ANACS VF-30 dark toning............... $157.
1899-PANACS VAM-2 mostly white MS-61 .
1899-O ANACS MS-65 white $97.; NGC MS-64
mostly white PQ.........................................
1900-P VAM-24 DDR ANACS MS-64........... $127.
1900-O ANACS MS-62 white........................
1926-S PCGS MS-65 white PQ.................... $775.
1927-P PCGS MS-65 near white..................$1177.
1934-P PCGS MS-65 white PQ.................... $837.
Christopher Bechtler Gold Dollar, 30 grains, No
Date, struck 1831-34. The first gold dollar in the
United States. NGC-58. Very pleasing original
with light orange toning..............................$3775.
1851-PANACS AU-50................................... $157.
1852-PANACS AU-50 PQ............................ $187.
1853-PPCGS MS-62 $397.; ANACS AU-55 $177.
1854-P Ty. 1, PCGS MS-63 $597.; ANACS AU
details, scratched, cleaned (looks nice) net
EF-40.......................................................... $147.
1854-P Ty. 2, ANACS EF details, scratched,
cleaned (decent look) net VF-20 $237.; PCGS
AU-58, very nice strike and nice surfaces .$2375.
1855-P Ty. 2, Key of the 12 piece gold type
set, PCGS MS-63, frosty mint luster, obv.:
64+, rev.: usual soft strike, few tiny contact
marks.............................................. $12,750.
1856-S Ty. 2, ANACS EF details, ex-jewelry,
polished, net VG-8 (looks better)............... $197.
1856-D NGC AU-53 very pleasing.....
1858-S NGC MS-61...........................
1859-D NGC MS-61 original undipped, with
delicate orange toning....................
The only confirmed Confederate Gold coinage.
The legendary 1861-Dahlonega Dollar.
ANACS AU details, cleaned, damaged, bent
(couple sharp hits hidden on obv. which
made coin wavy, very tiny nicks scattered
on rev., no cleaning that bothers me.)
Net F-15..........................................
1862 ANACS AU details, damaged (two tiny digs)
net EF-40................................................... $107.
1863 ANACS AU-50......................................$1575.
1864 ANACS AU details, damaged (not visible)
bent, cleaned net VF-20............................. $377.
1865 ANACS AU details, polished, bent net VF-20
grossly underrated date............................. $477.
1868 PCGS AU-55........................................ $427.
1870 PCGS AU-58........................................ $457.
1871 ANACS AU details, damaged (faint obv.
scuffs) net EF-45........................................ $227.
1874 PCGS MS-65 $1550.; MS-64, II W Bass Jr.
pedigree on holder. Obv.: LI worn hub, rev.:
broken 4 Die State. Two fascinating mint
1875 NGC AU-58..........................................$4750.
1876 PCGS MS-61....................................... $577.
1877 NGC AU-58.......................................... $517.
1878 NGC MS-63 PQ................................... $997.
1889 ANACS AU-55...................................... $257.
1854-P Both ANACS: AU-58 $247.; AU-50... $197.
1907 PCGS MS-62....................................... $337.
1911-PPCGS MS-61.................................... $257.
1927 NGC MS-63 PQ................................... $427.
1928 NGC MS-63.......................................... $417.
1929 NGC MS-64.......................................... $697.
1854-PANACS AU-50 $735.; PCGS AU-58 very
pleasing $1177.; raw undipped EF-40....... $537.
1854-D NGC Fine-15 very pleasing, light
yellow gold......................................
1878 All PCGS: MS-64 PQ faintly P-L$5977.;
MS-64 frosty $4977.; MS-62 pleasing........$2700.
1878 ANACS AU-53...................................... $787.
Jonathan Kern
background image
1798 Lg. 8, 13 Stars rev., ANACS VF details,
ex-jewelry, net VG-8 (looks better).............$1277.
1802/1 Breen-2 I, PCGS MS-63.............. $11,000.
1806 Rnd. Top 6, Stars 7X6, PCGS AU-58..$4775.
1814/13 PCGS AU-53 very pleasing.............$4777.
1842-D Large Date, NGC XF-40 tiny bagmarks on
jaw and neck..............................................$4677.
1842-D Small Date AU.................................. CALL
1864-O VF+................................................... CALL
1879-PNGC AU-53, 79/9?............................ $277.
1881-S (Lg. S over Sm. S?) PCGS
MS-63 PQ.................................................. $777.
1887-S NGC MS-63 very pleasing................ $677.
1891 PCGS Prf.-63 PQ Cameo
(not designated).........................................$9750.
1891-CC ANACS MS-60............................... $617.
1893-O NGC AU-58...................................... $477.
1900-PPCGS MS-62.................................... $247.
1908-D NGC MS-63 PQ................................ $797.
1909-PNGC MS-62...................................... $387.
1909-D NGC MS-63 pleasing PQ................. $837.
1910-PBoth ANACS AU-53 $207.; AU-50.... $200.
1911-PANACS AU-50................................... $207.
1912-PBoth ANACS AU-55 $212.; AU-53.... $207.
1913-PANACS AU-50................................... $207.
1913-S ANACS EF-45................................... $227.
1914-PANACS MS-62.................................. $347.
1799 ANACS Unc. details, cleaned (faintly), net
AU-55. Sharp strike and mark free surfaces.
Very pleasing..............................................$6700.
1841-O Mintage of 2,500. Very rare,
nice AU....................................................... CALL
1847-PPCGS VF-25..................................... $297.
1881-PNGC MS-62...................................... $277.
1883-PPCGS MS-60.................................... $287.
1888-S NGC MS-62 PQ................................ $697.
1893-PPCGS MS-64, H W Bass Jr., pedigree.
Intense luster over pleasing undipped surfaces.
A couple faint spots are barely visible........$1297.
1893-S PCGS AU-58.................................... $297.
1905-PANACS MS-60.................................. $227.
1907-PLiberty PCGS MS-63........................ $477.
1908-D No Motto NGC MS-60...................... $597.
1908-PMotto ANACS MS-60 $387.; NGC
MS-61......................................................... $397.
1908-S Motto NGC AU-55............................. $677.
1909-D NGC MS-62......................................$1077.
1910-D ANACS MS-60 PQ........................... $367.
1912-PANACS AU-58................................... $327.
1913-PANACS MS-62 PQ............................ $437.
1914-PANACS MS-62 PQ............................ $477.
1915-PANACS MS-60.................................. $377.
1926-PANACS MS-62.................................. $357.
1932-P"Gold from the Great Depression" PCGS
MS-61......................................................... $387.
1873-POpen 3 NGC MS-62 PQ...................$3275.
1874-S Raw EF-40+...................................... $357.
1879-S Raw EF-40+...................................... $327.
1891-S ANACS EF-45................................... $367.
1894-PNGC MS-63 $877.; PCGS MS-62.... $467.
1895-S NGC MS-61...................................... $427.
1898-S All NGC MS-63 (P-L) $917.; MS-63 . $827.
1899-PAll NGC MS-64 $1267.; MS-62 spot
on rev. rim.................................................. $387.
1899-S NGC MS-63 PQ................................$1177.
One Hundred Year Old Double Eagles.
Fresh Original Hoard!
1900-PAll NGC MS-64 PQ $977.; MS-64
$777.; MS-63 PQ $597.; MS-63 $507.;
MS-62 ............................................
1903-PNGC MS-64...................................... $737.
1903-S NGC MS-63...................................... $937.
1904-PAll NGC: MS-65 PQ $1777.; MS-64 PQ
$777.; MS-63 PQ Semi-P-L$577.; MS-63 $457.;
all ANACS MS-63 $427.; MS-60 $327.;
AU-58......................................................... $307.
1904-S NGC MS-64 PQ $797.; NGC MS-64 $717.
1907-PLiberty Head, NGC MS-63................ $627.
Roman Numeral High Relief, ANACS AU details,
cleaned (faintly) net AU-50.........................$4977.
1907 Arabic Date, Low Relief St. Gaudens PCGS
MS-63 PQ $877.; NGC MS-61 $477.; ANACS
AU-58......................................................... $437.
1908-PNo Motto PCGS AU-58..................... $367.
1909-S PCGS MS-64....................................$1077.
1912-PANACS AU-58................................... $497.
1913-D PCGS MS-63.................................... $677.
1914-PANACS AU-58................................... $467.
1914-S MS-60 PQ $397.; NGC MS-61......... $397.
1915-PANACS AU-58................................... $417.
1915-S NGC MS-64...................................... $587.
1922-PPCGS MS-62 $417.; ANACS MS-62 $387.
1923-PNGC MS-62 $417.; NGC AU-58 rev. rim
has black spots $317.; PCGS MS-63 light
spots........................................................... $377.
1923-D ANACS Unc. details, cleaned (very faintly)
net AU-55................................................... $445.
1924-PAll NGC MS-66 $1525.; MS-66 very PQ
$1677.; MS-62 ........................................... $367.
1924-PPCGS MS-65 PQ.............................. $767.
1925-PAll NGC MS-64 $487.; MS-62 $387.;
MS-61......................................................... $357.
1926-PNGC MS-65 PQ................................ $767.
1927-PNGC MS-64 $497.; NGC MS-62 $367.;
PCGS MS-66.............................................$1477.
1928-PNGC MS-64 PQ$497.; NGC MS-62
$367.; ANACS obv. dbld. die, net MS-60
unpublished?.............................................. $977.
Pair of Louisiana Purchase gold dollars, Jefferson
and McKinley, EF, with loop soldered to
rim.............................................................. $347.
Antietam raw AU, cleaned............................. $307.
Arkansas all near white & ANACS 1938-S
MS-62 $117.; 1939-PMS-62 $207.; 1939-D
MS-62......................................................... $207.
Bay Bridge ANACS MS-61 white..................
Boone NGC MS-66 1935/34-S mostly white$1077.
Cincinnati 1936-S ANACS MS-64 white....... $207.
Columbian Exposition 1893 NGC MS-64 deep
toning $87; ANACS MS-63 mostly white...
Norfolk PCGS old holder MS-66 near white . $427.
Oregons, all NGC 1938-PMS-65 near white $157.;
1938-D MS-67 white $717.; MS-66 light toning
$197.; 1938-PDS Matched set in MS-66... $627.
Pilgrim 1920 ANACS MS-62 toned...............
1937-PDS Texas set, NGC MS-66 mostly
white........................................................... $497.
Washington- Carver, both NGC 1951-S
MS-65 near white $157.; 1952-S MS-65
near white................................................... $157.
Bechtler Gold, see gold dollars in this ad.
1849 Ten Dollars by Moffat & Co., PCGS VF-35.
Ten D..........................................................$4250.
1851 Fifty Dollars, .887 (fine gold) Augustus
Humbert Reeded Edge "Slug," PCGS VF-35 PQ,
no heavy marks or rim bumps which plague
these huge octagonal Fifties......................$8975.
1854 Gold Octagonal Dollar, BG-504, The
"Micro Slug" eagle reverse. PCGS MS-63, PQ
and P-L.......................................................$8775.
1870 Gold Round Dollar, BG-1205, raw AU-55
details, holed, expertly repaired, cleaned.. $477.
1878/6 Lib. Hd., oct. half dol. BG-952, T-6, PCGS
MS-64......................................................... $377.
(1852-54) Round quar. dol. Lib. Hd. BG-222,
PCGS MS-64............................................. $327.
1876 Round quar. dol. Ind. Hd. BG-853 R5+++,
PCGS MS-64............................................. $397.
1883 Oct. "quar. dol." token, Chinaman head, EF
holed........................................................... $247.
Pattern 1868 Aluminum 5 dollars or 25 Francs,
J-659, PCGS Prf.-65, an interesting attempt
to align U.S. gold coinages with the Latin
Monetary Union in Europe..............
Third Party Authenticated and Graded. Don't like
slabs? We will be glad to break them out for
you after you buy them.
Argentina gold argentino or 5P, 1896 ANACS
MS-62......................................................... $197.
Brazil gold 10,000 Reis 1880 NGC MS-62... $387.
Canada 1911-C Sovereign ANACS MS-62... $157.
1912 $5 ANACS AU-58.............................. $167.
1913 $5 ANACS MS-62............................. $277.
1935 Silver Dollar ANACS MS-64 white.... $127.
1949 Silver Dollar PCGS MS-66 white...... $127.
Denmark gold 10 Kroner 1909 ANACS
Egypt Gold all ANACS 1938 500 Piastres Prf.-67
$3750.; Prf.-66 $3000.; Prf.-65 $2450.; Prf.-64
$2100.; 100 PiastresMS-65$325.;
MS-64......................................................... $245.
Napoleon Bonaparte, 20 Francs, 1807-1814, Raw
VF, what looks like edge bumps are mint caused
by the casting edge lettering machine.......
Louis Philippe I 1831 A 40 Francs NGC
MS-61......................................................... $775.
Napoleon III 1852 A 20 Francs, rare type NGC
MS-62......................................................... $297.
1856 A 50 Francs ANACS AU-55.................. $277.
1866 BB 50 Francs PCGS MS-63................ $477.
Nurnberg 1635 "Peace" gold ducat with
chronogram date NGC MS-62...................$1277.
Bavaria 1834 Silver Taler, Provincial Legislature
commem. NGC MS-61 white $397.; 1913 3 Mark
copper pattern 16 NGC Prf.-63 .................
Prussia silver 2 Taler 1846 A, NGC MS-63
white $475.; 1913 5 Mark silver pattern NGC
Prf.-63......................................................... $277.
Weimar 1928 F silver 5 Mark ANACS AU-55,
undipped..................................................... $177.
See U.S. Colonial Period also.
All following English is
ANACS slabbed unless noted!
Quarter Farthing 1852 AU-58........................
Third Farthing 1844 AU-58 $137.; 1878 MS-62
BRN $37.; 1881 MS-63 Red......................
Half Farthing 1843 AU-58..............................
Farthing 1850 AU-50 $17.; 1895 Old head, MS-64
Halfpenny 1854 AU-58 $37.; 1887 MS-62 RB $22.;
1893 MS-62 brn. .......................................
Silver 4 Pence Maundy 1883 MS-64 $27.; 1888
Britannia MS-63.........................................
Six Pence 1851 AU-53 $57.; 1899 Superb color
MS-64 $57.; 1911 Prf.-64 obv. dark, rev. superb
Shilling 1892 MS-61 $67.; 1893 AU-58 $23.; 1911
Florin 1888 AU-55 pretty toning $49.; 1911 Prf.-64
obv. dark, rev. superb color........................ $147.
Half Crown 1902 Prf.-60................................
Gold Half Sovereign 1855 AU-55 $227.; 1871
AU-53 $167.; 1876 AU-55 $137.; 1902 Prf.-60
$227.; 1911 Prf.-63 $347.; MS-63 $97.; 1914
Gold Sovereign 1902 Prf.-60 $277.; 1911 Prf.-63
$497.; 1912 MS-62 $107.; 1915 MS-63..... $127.
Gold Double Sovereign 1902 Prf.-60 $577.; 1911
Gold Five Pounds 1902 Prf.-60 $977.; 1911
1911 Complete 12 coin Proof set NGC certified,
Prf.-63, 64, 65............................................$3977.
Italy gold 20 Lira 1882 NGC MS-65,
reverse P-L.................................................
Jamaica 1884 Farthing ANACS MS-63 PQ..
Monaco 1838-C bronze pattern 5 Centimes
ANACS MS-62 BN PQ............................... $197.
Russian Gold 5 Roubles all NGC 1841 MS-64
$217.; 1901 MS-66 $87. MS-65 $77.; 1902
MS-67 $137.; MS-66 $77.; 1903 MS-66 $87.;
Platinum 3 Roubles, raw............................ CALL
South Africa gold Sovereign 1932 SAANACS
MS-61......................................................... $147.
Switerland 1842 Graubunden silver 4 Franken
(dollar size) Shooting Taler. NGC MS-63 $1277.;
mostly white, fully Proof-Like. 1857 Bern
Shooting Taler NGC MS-63 $647.; 1859 Zurich
5 Franc Shooting Taler ANACS MS-64 mostly
white $577.; 1872 Zurich 5 Franc Shooting Taler
ANACS MS-64 white $550.; 1920 B-1 Franc
silver ANACS MS-65 mostly white 447.; 1925
Silver 5 Francs ANACS MS-65 med. gray toning
$247.; 1922 Gold 10 Francs, Cats. $90
Ch. BU $57.; 20 for.................................... $900.
441 S. Ashland Ave., Lexington, Kentucky 40502
To order, call
(859 or 606) 269-1614
between 9 AM & 6 PM EST
Professional Numismatist · Bachelor of Arts in Numismatics
24-hour FAX only: (859 or 606) 266-7900
1. All coins guaranteed as described. ANAand common
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2. 14 day return privilege or approval service can be
arranged with proper references.
3. Personal checks of unknown customers must clear.
References may be required. VISA, MasterCard and
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5. All coins sent insured or registered! Orders less than
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6. Most coins are one-of-a-kind. Second choices
7. Visits by appointment only.
VISA, MC ok, but $10. Postage for bullion.
Englehard or Johnson Mathey
10 Troy oz. ...................
Englehard 100 Troy oz. .....
Buy now when it's cheap and no one wants it. When you read
about it in Wall Street News, it is too late.
Four Dollars Gold Pattern
1879 Flowing Hair Stella ANACS AU details,
ex-jewelry, net Prf.-40, J-1635 restrike, as
all are............................................ $27,000.